nem Australasia

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VCCI - Business recovery & resilience mentoring

The Victorian Government’s Mentoring Program provides eligible Victorian businesses with eight hours of mentoring, coaching or consulting services for free.

The program is administered through VCCI called Business recovery & resilience mentoring

The criteria are:

  1. Small businesses with less than 20 full-time employees (the total of all standard hours worked whether full-time or part-time i.e. 760 paid standard hours per week).

  2. Small businesses can be sole traders, partnerships, private companies or trusts.

  3. They must hold an active Australian Business Number (ABN).

  4. They cannot be a not-for-profit or body corporate.

  5. They must intend to re-establish or continue to operate in Victoria.

The steps are:

  1. Apply online and complete a short eligibility questionnaire.

  2. You will then receive approval and a request to complete a Pulse questionnaire.

  3. You will then receive a list of Mentors to select from and to rank.

  4. If nem is not included you can request nem at that time, not before this stage.

  5. nem will receive approval and nominate a specific Partner who will make contact.