cama Training

This program assists businesses’ that want to grow to focus on those products or services, and market segments, that will provide them with the greatest commercial outcome in the shortest possible time frame.

cama identifies the business’s Competitive Advantage, identifies the most Attractive Markets and segments and then independently validates these against competitors and other industry benchmarks, including the depth and quality of client relationships.

The process quantifies many of the qualitative aspects of the business’s products or services and competitive market dynamics. Several key criteria are identified, then weighted in relation to importance and rated internally by performance relative to competitors. These key criteria, weightings and performance ratings against them, are then validated in the market and where necessary recalibrated before overlaying them against each of the market or product segments identified for growth.

When supplemented by industry research and market data, a definitive sales growth strategy emerges that can be executed with precision and efficiency.

Once established, nem’s VALUE Encounter methodology is applied during the execution phase to accelerate sales growth in the target markets and segments.

cama can consist of a series of training workshops consisting of no more than six organisations from non-competing industries with multiple representatives. Industry and market research elements are undertaken independently of the work shops and incorporated into the program content. The execution phase comprises facilitator coaching and mentoring over an agreed time frame, usually an initial period of three months.

If you would like to learn more, please submit an expression of interest inquiry below.